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Instant Inspiration
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Lanee and Sandy
Nov 4, 2019
Imagine Yourself Harnessing the Power of Your Thoughts w/Dr. Jennifer Gobel
Let’s do a little relaxation exercise. Breathe in deeply. Exhale. Relax. Gently let your mind drift. Where do your thoughts carry you? To...
Lanee and Sandy
Oct 21, 2019
Imagine Yourself Empowering the Next Generation w/Kids Empowered on the Move
What if you could change the world by being a source of light for a young person who could one day illuminate the world? Ever since...
Lanee and Sandy
Oct 7, 2019
Imagine Yourself Financially Fit w/Author & Personal Finance Expert, Kembala Evans
Let’s get fiscally fit! We’re flexing our financial muscles and securing a bright future for ourselves. We start by following the money...
Lanee and Sandy
Sep 23, 2019
Imagine Yourself Taking Command of Your Career w/ CEO of Push Career Management, Brenda Cunningham
“Taking care of business” is a powerful phrase that applies to a variety of life scenarios. Sometimes, it includes taking care of...
Lanee and Sandy
Sep 16, 2019
Imagine Yourself Doing What You Know You Should Do (Self-Discipline 101)
All of us have something that we want to change about ourselves. Imagine Yourself is the perfect place to start. We’ve put together a few...
Lanee and Sandy
Sep 9, 2019
Imagine Yourself Pulling the Plug on Procrastination
I will stop procrastinating. I will stop procrastinating, tomorrow. I will stop procrastinating, next week. I will stop procrastinating,...
Lanee and Sandy
Aug 26, 2019
Imagine Yourself As Your Own Cheerleader w/Personal Brand Strategist & Author, Isha Cogborn
It doesn’t mean carrying around pom-poms and chanting witty rhymes, but it does mean living deliberately, promoting your personal brand
Lanee and Sandy
Aug 19, 2019
Imagine Yourself Recharged: The Rewards of Relaxation are Real
Taking a step back can offer insight and new perspectives on how to be more productive, efficient, and creative.
Lanee and Sandy
Aug 5, 2019
Imagine Yourself Leaving Loneliness Behind W/Counselor, Matt Lawson
People need people. Loneliness can affect anyone, even someone in a room full of laughter and loved ones. It can be even more potent when...
Lanee and Sandy
Jul 29, 2019
Imagine Yourself Savoring the Seasons of Life
From childhood, through our senior years, there is life to be lived and memories to be made for us and those around us
Lanee and Sandy
Jul 22, 2019
Imagine Yourself Improvising – Adding Spontaneity to Your Life
We all have responsibilities, but if our lives become too restrictive, too structured, and too tightly planned, we can begin to resent
Lanee and Sandy
Jul 15, 2019
Imagine Yourself Full of Forgiveness (Even When It's Hard)
To forgive or not to forgive is a heavy decision. What if forgiving could be as easy as plucking a daisy petal and casually reciting...
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