When it comes down to it, a big part of growing in our faith is learning more and more to trust God and His timing. Part of the process is sometimes having to go through things that are (to say the least) challenging and uncomfortable. It helps to hear stories and from others who have walked a difficult path and have turned their tests into testimonies. In this episode, we feature five women we talked with over the past year. You’ll hear stories of enduring through trials, learning total surrender, the power of forgiveness and even the miraculous.
It’s been quite a difficult year in our world and in the homes and lives of so many. Looking back at the struggles and the lessons learned can help us re-set for the year ahead. Hopefully too, there were many times of joy and togetherness, and we want to hold those memories close.
Through the ups and downs, of course God is with us. Sometimes, though, it may be hard to feel that connection. If you're having trouble experiencing that closeness, try recalling those times in the past that God has answered prayers or brought you through a difficult patch in your life. Remembering or even writing down how you felt during those seasons can help you experience that bond again.
Another wonderful way to bolster your faith is to listen to accounts of how God has come through for others. We hope by hearing unfiltered an emotional stories from these ladies will do that for you. If you’re ready for a little “faith-lift”, we invite you to click play! We think you will be truly blessed.
The guests featured were from: