What happens when the things you tell yourself start to turn from negative to positive, from discouraging to encouraging, from damaging to life-affirming? Everything changes! Words matter and we decided to evaluate what kinds of things we’ve been saying to ourselves and how it’s affecting our lives. Our guest, psychotherapist Blaine Lawson, uses a few simple mindfulness exercises to introduce us to a whole new world of language that serves to build us up. By the end of the episode, she has us all neutralizing negative thoughts, focusing more on what we do well, and imagining all the things that could go right in life!

For those of us who get into a pattern of overthinking situations, concentrating on the worst-case scenarios, using the words “always” or “never” to describe ourselves in negative ways, get ready for some significant changes. We promise that we won’t tell you to “get over it” or “just be positive.” We won’t even tell you to stop thinking negative thoughts. What we will learn and share are practical, logical, loving ways to end the spiral of harmful inner dialogue. This episode offers effective, efficient ways to be honest and open with ourselves while stepping back and objectively assessing what’s really going on.
Robert T. Kiyosaki may have said it best, “it’s not what we say out loud that really determines our lives. It’s what we whisper to ourselves that has the most power.”

Don’t miss this opportunity to get some free advice from an inviting, insightful professional who gets to the root cause of the negative self-talk. Click and listen and have your mind blown—in a positive way!
In the episode, Blaine told us about a Ted Talk from psychologist and author Shawn Achor
He is famous for "positive psychology" and you can learn even more about how to train your brain for happiness. Check it out HERE
Looking for a psychologist in your area, or one you can visit online. Blaine told us that Psychology Today is a good resource.