Never has there been a time when more of our regular routines, relationships and even rules have changed. To make matters worse, the "goalposts" keep moving! From family dynamics to work (or lack of it) to simply living our daily life, the COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly shifted things around. Not only do we sometimes not know what to do, but we might also even find ourselves asking, “what am I supposed to feel right now?” as if there were one answer for everyone.

To help us gain some perspective and learn to give ourselves a little grace, we invited a guest who is full of empathy, but also motivation. An artist, writer entrepreneur and mom, Desirae Ofori is known as Sincerely Mrs. Mommy on her popular blog and she is the author of a new book, Her Bold Faith. She gave us a lot of grounded information to help us live well during the best of times and the worst of times – which for some seem to be happening simultaneously lately. Here are a few tips we learned in this robust episode. See if you can separate the true versus the false statements.
True or False:
1. Intense Focus on negative thoughts can actually deteriorate the structure of the brain.
2. “Grace Yourself” is a new hit Gospel song that has gone viral.
3. It is impossible to balance the old ways of doing things and the new ways of doing things.
4. Just because something doesn’t feel good to us at first doesn’t mean it’s not good for us.
5. Little kids are not being affected at all by what’s going on in the world lately (COVID-19).
Listen in to get these answers and to find your own answers to help hold it all together (faith, family, work-life) during this world’s most difficult season.